For Parents » Catholic School Council

Catholic School Council

Holy Name of Mary Catholic School Council has a mandate to:
• provide opportunities for parents to be more involved in the education of their children;
• develop a mission statement and annual goals;
• evaluate success in achieving those goals;
• encourage a positive social environment in the school;
• foster good relations among parents, staff, parish, students, school board and the local community;
• be a positive voice for Catholic Education in the local community; and
• provide information in a number of areas to the Principal, Staff and Board of Trustees where applicable.

The Catholic School Council is made up of many different members — parents/guardians, one teacher representative, one non-teaching staff member, one community representative, one parish representative, the Parish Priest and the Principal. Meetings take place four to eight times throughout the school calendar year. All parents are encouraged to attend!

The representatives for 2023/2024 school year are:

Chair: Theresa McGowan-Beard

Secretary: Jessie Stevens

Treasurer: Crystal Newman

Parish Council Rep: Holly Agnew


Catholic School Council Meeting Dates:

Monday, October 2nd at 6:00 pm

Tuesday, November 14th at 5:30 pm 


Meeting Minutes (posted here once approved):

Catholic School Council Membership

If you are interested in becoming a member of the Holy Name of Mary Catholic School Council, we have formal elections at the beginning of each school year. Please download the form below and submit it to the office before the Council Election Meeting.